

online diary :)

rooftop rant

Sunday 15 January 2012 | 06:16 | 0 ♥
                                               sweet tak ?*wink wink

                                                  ROOFTOP RANT <3

tajuk novel tu dah membayangkan how complicate it is .first impression time tgok novel ouhhh ..no love *malay girl thinking.but not me lah ,my fren that said novel tu memboringkan but i take it simple *try nak baca lah .then start baca for about 2 days baru KHATAM  sebab nak memahami content .yeah ,finally i found something that interesting.it was about MEANING OF LIFE AND LOVE .
i taught that FAMILY love just a simple thing because since born my family already give me extra love *anak manja .btw ,that was my case,not for TRISY ,*the heroin for rooftop rant .she gone through a hard life ,sofisticated .kurang kasih sayang dan terabai .no wonder ramai remaja yang jadi macam dea .but alhmdulilah back to our religion,ISLAM IS ADDIN  that means ISLAM IS THE WAY OF LIFE *i took from that novel yang bermaksud kita sepatutnya kembali ke pangkal jalan dan mengamalkn kembali ajaran islam.*trisy berubah apabila diberi didikan agama secukupnya and JADE make life meaningful *Jade akhirnya husband trisy . it make me realise how ISLAM give such a big effect to someone life .

                                                       HLOVATE <3


Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMissLinda.Re-edited by NayliIdzwati. With little helped of CikGee

Lovely reading

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